Calm through the Chaos

with a side of fun


I share your words with your audience. The listener is as much part of the conversation as I am. 


Hi! I love words but I especially love communication. I will nerd out over exquisite turns of phrase or discovering new words. I also really love knowing things. My friends humor me well, but voiceover has allowed me to know more things!

This love of knowing things is part of what makes my voiceovers so compelling. I’m excited to know about satellite collision avoidance, the efficacy of one drug protocol versus another, the new drug discovery platform, the AI tool that actually works, or just how one is supposed to get a small child to take a medication, and I share that enthusiasm with your audience. 

The result? A comfortable, friendly, intelligent delivery that the listener enjoys. I’m sharing something interesting with the listener rather than just telling them. 


It’s all about communication.

Content only achieves your goals if your audience is engaged. By enthusiastically sharing rather than telling, I include the listener as part of the conversation. 

I also like coffee, cats and crafts. And awesome alliteration. I’m a native of Maine, though I did spend a few years in exile. I’ve been known to juggle, both literally and metaphorically, but I leave the unicycling to my daughter. 


And? I do technology and leadership stuff.

studio - photo by Will Francis on Unsplash

Neutral accent

Carla grew up in Maine, and has lived in Italy, Canada, half the New England states and the Philadelphia area. Thanks to all this, her accent is a gently Northeastern American but she can invoke a little southern twang or linger on some Canadian vowels when needed.

levels - photo by Leo Wieling on Unsplash

Intelligent connection

After graduating with a Medieval English degree from Dartmouth, Carla went into technology. Naturally. It turns out that Medieval English was perfect preparation for tech because she’s spent over 20 years doing English to English translation and ensuring that everyone understands each other. She has always enjoyed a challenge. 

coffee - Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Coffee-fueled Creativity

Technically, she didn’t love coffee yet when she had her first latte outside Venice just after Christmas, but it wasn’t long before she was hooked. Now she has no fewer than 6 different means for creating coffee in her kitchen. Needless to say, she’s been coffee-fueled for most of her adult life.